Home 9 Product 9 Advanced Integrated Control

In advanced greenhouse or indoor crop facilities it is necessary to perform an exhaustive control of the lighting.

Energy costs must be controlled with precision to optimise and reduce production costs (OPEX) as much as possible.

Newlite has different levels of industrial integration and control, to always achieve a perfect union with the other systems.

Newlite’s engineering team can provide customization and specific control based on the proposed criteria or those provided by the client.


Among other features, control systems allow for the following:

  • Autonomous control of intensity depending on solar radiation, supplying only the quantity of light that is needed.
  • Autonomous control of intensity by temperature.
  • Autonomous control of intensity by CO2 concentration.
  • Sending of alerts due to failures in protections by sectors.
  • Thermal mesh and black-out shade control.
  • Recording of switching on operations.
  • Use of statistics for cost analysis.


In advanced control systems additional features are considered:

  • Wind control and its effect on the greenhouse.
  • Temperature control in room, based on the external temperature.
  • Integration of control with watering systems.
  • Integration of control with ventilation and humidification systems.
  • Energy analysis.
  • Advanced statistics and reports, analytics that help make decisions to improve production.