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What is a grow light reflector?

by | 8 Jul, 2022

Regardless of their technology, lamps irradiate light in all directions. It would not be possible to redirect all the light to the area where the plants are located without a reflector that has the correct design.

How a light reflector operates in plant-growing

The mission of a reflector is to reflect the light that comes from a lamp and redirect it in the appropriate direction.

What types of reflectors are there?

Reflectors are designed in accordance with the light source, the height of the installation and the area to be illuminated.

As there are multiple needs, which may vary, depending on the installation, there are also multiple types of reflectors.

The reflectors normally selected are those with designs that are:

  • More closed for tall installations, as they must project the light from a greater distance.
  • More open for installations with low heights.
  • Adjustable, permitting the reflector to be adapted to the conditions of each plant.

What is the difference between one reflector and another?

The materials used to make them may vary, with aluminium being the most important. The level of reflection depends on its purity and quality. The greater the reflection, the less the light that is lost.

It is important to have a high quality reflector for effective energy savings, as it significantly reduces the light intensity of the lamp until it reaches the plant.

For a reflector to be of good quality, it does not need to be large in size, but have an adequate design and highly reflective materials.

More basis reflectors used for small plants, where productivity is not important, only cover the sides of the lamp without paying attention to tends. These normally generate important light losses, as these designs do not project all the light on the plants.

Another aspect to consider is that reflectors have a certain degree of relief, which means that the light is not projected in an absolutely straight line. Some manufacturers design reflectors with no relief, with an appearance similar to that of a mirror. This type of design is not recommended as they project a “harsh” light with a great intensity but which is not as effective in reaching the lower leaves of the plant.

Therefore, the differences between reflectors are classified by the following:

  • Lamp-holders positioned in the correct place on the lamp.
  • Design. Aperture of the light beam.
  • Reflective materials. Their efficiency depends on them.

Selecting technical grow lights for professional use is the most effective solution, as the reflector has the exact design to fulfil its purpose.

How to choose a reflector for each case

Newlite has included reflectors in its technical lights. They are made of aluminium manufactured in Europe with a reflection greater than 95%, thus resolving the relevant issues related to design and materials.

The choice of reflector will depend on the height of the light source. More closed designs must be selected for greater heights. On the contrary, lower heights require a more open design.

Comparison of reflectors for indoor plants

There are many types of reflectors available in the market, depending on the uses, the customer’s budget and above all, the imagination of the manufacturer, which on occasions lacks the necessary technical fundamentals.

They may be classified as follows:

  • Reflectors for small plants, where productivity is not important and where considerable light and power losses are generated.
  • Professional reflectors which comply with the quality and design requirements, are the ones most recommended for professional plants, where it is important to optimise each watt of power. These are the ones used in professional quality technical lights.



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